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Have you ever owned a car which can be run it's whole lifetime on the same brakes? If you own a Prius, then you sure do. The key to lifetime brakes is to have them taken apart and cleaned periodically. If this service work is done in a timely manner, the pads and rotors will never wear out for a normal driver.

How can brakes last the life of a car? Simple! They are not the main method of slowing the car--the electric motors are! The fact of the matter is that in the rust belt, the brakes will actually seize up and stop working, instead of wearing out. Unfortunately, when they seize-up, they self destruct and then you will need a complete brake job.

At The Foreign Service, our technicians are trained to see the tiny tell tale signs that the brakes are starting to stick. This is a hybrid thing and a regular technician won't know the brakes have a problem until too late. If you are having your car serviced by a shop that does not have this inside knowledge, you will be replacing the brakes on the car multiple times unnecessarily over the car's life.




Foreign Autos Repair Foreign Auto Repair
Telephone:   651 635 0395
Text:   612 643 1746
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Roseville, MN 55113